how to change due date in webassign for all assignments

 WebAssign is an online homework and learning platform used by many educational institutions. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the specific steps for changing due dates for all assignments may vary based on the platform's updates or your institution's customization of WebAssign. Here are general steps you might follow:

Note: Please check with your instructor or the WebAssign support documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information, as the platform and its features may have evolved since my last update.

  1. Log In to WebAssign:

    • Log in to your WebAssign account using your username and password.
  2. Navigate to the Assignment List:

    • Find a section or menu that lists all your assignments. This might be labeled "Assignments," "Homework," or something similar.
  3. Select All Assignments:

    • Check to see if there is an option to select all assignments. This option may be represented by checkboxes next to each assignment, or there may be a "Select All" checkbox.
  4. Edit Assignment Settings:

    • Look for an option or button that allows you to edit the settings for the selected assignments. This could be labeled "Edit," "Change Due Date," or something similar.
  5. Adjust Due Date:

    • Once in the assignment settings, locate the field for the due date. You should be able to input a new due date for all the selected assignments.
  6. Save Changes:

    • After adjusting the due dates, make sure to save your changes. This might involve clicking a "Save" or "Update" button.
  7. Review and Confirm:

    • Double-check the due dates for each assignment to ensure that they have been updated as intended.

If you cannot find the option to change due dates for all assignments or if you encounter any difficulties, it's recommended to consult the WebAssign help documentation or contact the support provided by your educational institution. Additionally, your instructor may have specific instructions for adjusting due dates, so it's advisable to communicate with them if you need further assistance


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